HOME > Reconciliation Studies Project: Introduction of a international workshop and appeal for application of the annual conference of International association for reconciliation studies
Reconciliation Studies Project: Introduction of a international workshop and appeal for application of the annual conference of International association for reconciliation studies
This workshop is intended for anyone who is interested in the construction of intellectual infrastructure as a foundation for calm dialogues on reconciliation, justice, and memory. The conference will be a virtual format on Zoom. Participation is free, but please register in advance by clicking on the QR code in the file attached.
I would also like your support for the Second Annual Conference by the IARS, which will be held in Tokyo on 5-7 August 2021. We will be seeking panelists and presenters until the end of April.
We welcome examples and structures of domestic and international politics surrounding international norms or those dealing with “resonance” that transcends the level of and relevance to domestic and international systems by focusing on emotion, memory, and value. We welcome proposals on themes that broadly concern historical recognition or reconciliation from various angles. Please click on the IARS logo in the file attached for further information.
Just as observed in the study of international relations, the approach to Reconciliation Studies is divided between a historical and empirical one and a theoretical one, and there are also cases in which they intertwine with each other. The detailed theme of each approach, of course, exists individually, but Reconciliation Studies attempts to create a new current regarding where history and theory examine.
How the complex of emotion, memory, and value, which had been regarded as subjective elements in a nation, is related to any institutions existing both on the domestic and on international level?
Due to a disciplinary division between international politics and domestic politics, the question cannot be explained effectively . I believe this is the reason why many scholars from around the world have gathered for the International Association for Reconciliation Studies.
Language: English
◇ Thursday, March 4, 2021
l Opening Session 8:00pm-8:30pm
Chair: Bin HUANG <Waseda University>
Keynote Speech:Toyomi ASANO <Waseda University>
Short remarks by leaders of planned research groups for establishing reconciliation studies
Naoyuki UMEMORI <Waseda University>, Sumio HATANO <Tsukuba University>, Jie LIU <Waseda University>, Reiko TSUCHIYA<Tokyo UniTSUCHIYA, Masaru TONOMURA<Tokyo University>
l Session1 Reconciliation and Citizen Activism 8:30pm-10:00pm
Chair: 岡田泰平 Taihei OKADA
Paper Presenter: 菅野敦志 Atsushi SUGANO – <名桜大学 Meio University>
An Attempt of Reconciliation over the 2.28 Incident in Taiwan:Focusing on Lin Tsung-Yi and Su Nan-Chou
Paper Presenter: 加藤恵美 Emi Kato – <帝京大学 Teikyo University>
Citizens’ Movement for Postwar Compensation to and the Rights of Koreans Residing in Japan
Paper Presenter: 岡田泰平 Taihei OKADA – <東京大学 The University of Tokyo>
Citizens’ Movement and Historical Consciousness in Japan: Issues and Challenges
Discussant: Karina Korostelina – George Mason University
Discussant: Yoshihisa AMAE – Chang Jung Christian University
Discussant: Kyungmook KIM 金敬黙 ‒ 早稲田大学 Waseda University
◇ Friday, March 5, 2021
l Session 2 Reconciliation in Politics and Diplomacy 8:00pm-9:30pm
Chair: 半澤朝彦Asahiko HANZAWA – 明治学院大学 Meiji Gakuin University
Paper Presenter: 半澤朝彦 Asahiko HANZAWA – 明治学院大学Meiji Gakuin University
Ireland and Korea: A Comparison in Global Historical Perspectives
Paper Presenter: 神田豊隆 Yutaka KANDA – 新潟大学 Niigata University
The Murayama Statement as Socialist Policy?: The Japan Socialist Party and Postwar Reconciliation
Discussant: Barak Kushner – Cambridge University
Discussant: 浅野豊美 Toyomi ASANO – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
l Session3 Reconciliation and Historian 9:40pm-11:10pm
Chair: 劉傑 Jie LIU – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Paper Presenter: 李恩民 Enmin LI – 桜美林大学 J. F. Oberlin University
How Difficult it is to the road of Sino-Japanese Historical Reconciliation!
Paper Presenter: 馬暁華 Xiaohua MA – 大阪教育大学 Osaka Kyoiku University
War Memory and History Reconciliation in East Asia
Discussant: Barak Kushner – Cambridge University
Discussant:熊谷奈緒子Naoko KUMAGAI – 青山学院大学Aoyama Gakuin University
◇ Saturday, March 6, 2021
l Session4 Thought and Theory for Reconciliation 11:00am-12:30am
Chair: 梅森直之 Naoyuki UMEMORI – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Paper Presenter: 野尻英一 Eiichi NOJIRI – 大阪大学 Osaka University
An Approach to Reconciliation Study from Philosophical Psychology: Toward the Ground of Memory, Empathy, and Civilizational Transference.
Paper Presenter: 梅森直之 Naoyuki UMEMORI – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Between Reconciliation and Anti-reconciliation: A Perspective from Theory of Action
Discussant: Viren Murthy – University of Wisconsin–Madison
Discussant: Tsuneo Akaha – Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
l Session5 Culture (Media and education) with Memory and Reconciliation 8:00pm-9:30pm
Chair: 土屋礼子 Reiko TSUCHIYA – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Paper Presenter: 武井彩佳Ayaka TAKEI – 学習院女子大学Gakushuin Womens’ College
The Holocaust in the Documentary Films: Between Memory and Reconciliation
Paper Presenter: 黄斌 Bin HUANG – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Multifaceted Chinese Government Affiliated Mass Media: Focusing on Changes in The People‘s Daily Coverage of The Japanese Prime Minister’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine
Discussant: Barak Kushner – Cambridge University
Discussant: Jahyun Chun – Yonsei University in South Korea
l Session6 A Free Session by Young Researchers自由論題(若手研究)9:40pm-11:10pm
Chair: 浅野豊美 Toyomi ASANO – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Paper Presenter: 城渚紗 Nagisa Kizuki – 東京大学 The University of Tokyo
The Repatriation from Sakhalin and the Nationalities–Focusing on the Case of Remaining Korean in Sakhalin.
Paper Presenter: 佐藤雪絵 Yukie SATO – 早稲田大学 Waseda University
Transitional Justice in Unfinished Transition: Contending with the Past in South Korea